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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Lettuce and medical benefits

4:13 PM

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Lettuce and medical benefits

- Composition:

• contains vitamin A, B1, C, E.
• fatty oils.
• protein.
• starches.
• water.
• lettuce and rich in calcium and phosphorus and iron.
• It is low in calories benefit of those who follow the diet.

- The uses and benefits of medical lettuce lettuce:

1. Land of lettuce opium-like effect is weak, and agricultural lettuce has the same effect, the weakest, and differs from the opium effect that the lettuce does not agitate the digestive tract and has an analgesic effect and anesthetic and a sedative and hypnotic.
2. used in the treatment of ascites (inflatable body Banhbas water), remove the gravel and sand and treats people with gout.
3. lettuce antipyretic effect of heat and increases the secretion of sweat and has a diuretic effect.
4. removes intestinal colic and calms the revolution bowel disorder like IBS disease called colon previously.
5. helps to start sleeping in cases of insomnia, especially with onions.
6. removes cough and bronchospasm.
7. lettuce remover of thirst and benefit in cases of summer heat and sunstroke.
8. lettuce Anti-allergy substance and histamine, eliminates itching and rash (urticaria) and allergic nasal obstruction.
9. used in psychiatric moderator nerves and remover of tension and frustration, and pollutants addressed by madness.
10. for depression and epilepsy remover.
11. tonic and tonic for the hair and also useful for health.
12. Foreign Securities intense greenery rich in iron and chlorophyll, addresses the weakness of the blood and strengthens the body, and chlorophyll remover to mouth and body odor and bad breath stinking smell of sweat.
13. The inner layer and the yellow and green leaves are useful for the treatment of palpitations and haste and cardiac hypertrophy, and diseases of the heart muscle.
14. diuretic milk in the udder.
15. Light of appetite in power and future of food, mixed with the acid or vinegar, and laxative nature.
16. tonic for the liver and prevents Alrivian.
17. wild lettuce tonic blood circulation when the female, and increases blood when doing it too much before and with the menstrual cycle.
18. weakens the sexual energy, leads to weakness and chill (multiplication of it) and weakens the census semen, and reduces the amount of water at ejaculation, can be used in the treatment of nocturnal wet dreams.
19. good to deal with corneal ulcers and infections private eye disease trachoma, and strengthens eyesight due to the presence of vitamin A in it.


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