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Sunday, December 14, 2014

malunggay tea benefits

3:31 PM

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malunggay tea benefits

Malunggay tea benefits: 

Malunggay leaves helps strengthen the immune system. 
Moringa can help restore the skin condition, controls blood pressure, relieves headaches and migraines. 

Malunggay tea benefits: can help strengthen the eye muscles. 
Malunggay tea benefits: can help in healing inflammation of joints and tendons. 
Malunggay tea benefits: can prevent intestinal worms. 

Malunggay tea benefits: can help increase sperm count. 
Malunggay tea benefits: helps regulate glucose levels in the blood, thereby preventing diabetes. 
Malunggay tea benefits: has anti-cancer compounds (photochemical) that help stop the growth of cancer cells. 

Malunggay tea benefits: helps to relax and promotes a good night's sleep. 
Malunggay tea benefits: is used to treat fever and asthma. 

Mooring helps heal ulcers. 

Mooring is rich in calcium (four times the calcium in milk), mothers are recommended breastfeeding, therefore consume malunggay leaves to produce more milk for their babies. Young leaves malunggay also boiled and taken as a tea. 
Malunggay tea benefits: contains three times the potassium in bananas. 

Malunggay tea benefits: contains four times more vitamin A in carrots. 
An ounce of malunggay has the same amount of vitamin C as seven oranges. 
Malunggay leaves contain twice the protein in milk. 
Moringa seeds are used to clean the dirty or contaminated water. 

Moringa as medicine 

Studies have shown that malunggay tea benefits can be used to treat a number of diseases. 
"Moringa leaves are good for headaches, bleeding from a shallow cut, terms of bacterial and fungal skin, anti-inflammatory gastric ulcers, diarrhea and malnutrition" 

This is one reason why the government malunggay used in their food and nutrition programs. 
The internal organs are said to benefit from the vegetables.  

"Malunggay pods are worming, good for the treatment of liver and spleen problems, joint pain and malnutrition. Similarly, the seeds of malunggay treat arthritis, rheumatism, gout, cramps, STDs, boils and urinals, and a relaxing epileptic problems, "said the senator. 

According philippineherbalmedicine.org, the plant is anti-diabetic and anti-tumor: "There have been allegations that malunggay can be used to reduce blood pressure ... as well as his being anti tumor plant." 

"Young Mooring leaves are edible and are commonly eaten cooked like spinach or used in soups and salads. They are exceptionally good source of propitiating A, B and C vitamins, minerals (including iron) and amino acids containing sulfur 
mentioning and cosine, "said Senator Loren Laggard. 

Filipinos use Malunggay tea benefits: (Mooring lifer) into the antenna Harlan or vegetable soup or clam called malunggay glinting. 

But adventurous cooks and chefs have started adding malunggay pasta and bagels, bread and shortbread. 

According to Laggard, even Malagasy seeds can be used for seasoning. "The dried seeds can be ground into a powder and used to flavor sauces," she said. 

And roots and flowers have uses as well. "The roots of young plants can also be dried and ground to be used as a base with a similar hot condiment horseradish flavor. 

 The flowers can be eaten after being slightly bleached or raw as salad tastier" Laggard said. 
Senator revealed that malunggay can also be used as vegetable cooking oil.


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