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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Olive oil

7:54 AM

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Olive oil 

Scientific Miracles and active substances:

Contain unsaturated fatty acids, and a single double bond, which is what sets it apart from the rest of the oils. As stated in the American book, published in 1997 entitled "8 weeks to reach the appropriate health" 8Week to optimum health "of the author Ondriyawal it must replace all types of fat covered by the human, and especially after the age of forty fresh oil, as it is:

Olive oil deals with diseases of the liver:

Dissolves the fat and helps to strengthen the liver and fatty liver treatment, and thus increases the activity, and on the other hand, the book stated that the drug is known in the market on behalf of Essential Fort contains a high proportion of olive oil, and is described as essential for patients with liver, it also improves liver function, and especially as it is an anti-venom, and from here it increases the liver's ability to remove toxic Detoxication.

Heart and cancer:

Reach scientific research conducted in Spain, published in the journal - Jet - competent celiac disease that the use of olive oil in cooking may prevent bowel cancer.

The medical team that conducted the experiment say the results showed that the olive oil and preventive benefits, which explains why the Mediterranean diet healthy food.

Find the number of laboratory mice fed a diet rich in some olive oil and some fish oil and a third flower Safflower oil has been conducted, the researchers then section each group was given one to two substances that cause cancer. Four months later and found that animals fed with olive oil was the least in terms of cancerous tumors.

He says team leader Professor Miguel Gasol This study provides evidence that Gmaoua contains five percent of the olive oil protects against cancer compared Flower safflower oil, the scientific team and explains the role of olive oil that hinders be material called Arkidunat responsible, when the union with another substance is Bustgelandan - ie, for the induction of cancerous cells to divide.

The researchers believe that alternatives olive oil may lead the work itself, but scientists argue that it does not end at this point but needs further testing to determine the exact mechanism of the effect of olive oil to prevent the cancer.

Olive oil protects against skin cancer:

Japanese scientists discovered that exposing skin to olive oil of good quality after exposure to the sun, reducing the risk of skin cancer, has been tested successfully on a new method transgenic mice, which do not carry hair.

The researchers revealed that the olive oil a high degree helps to slow down the appearance of the effects of cancer on the skin and reduces the size of tumors if what was published on the skin.

Researchers have developed, led by Dr. Masmamitso Achihasha School of Medicine, Kobe University, mice under the sun three times in Alosbua.obad five minutes of exposure to the sun light, they painted the group of mice a normal olive oil and other new olive oil with a high degree, and a third did not exposure to the type of olive oil. After eighteen weeks of cancerous tumors began to appear on the set of mice that were not exposed to the olive oil, the mice exposed to normal olive oil was a little better off. But that group mice that were presented to the new olive oil with a high degree not showing any traces of skin cancer, but after twenty-four Osbuaa.kzlk the tumors that appeared on the latter category mice were smaller and less intense, but it caused less material composition "De damage to any" of the skin.

Is rich in olive oil substances anti-oxidants, which are believed to absorb the harmful effects of UV radiation, but it does not prevent UV rays from penetrating the skin.

Olive oil deals with bowel cancer:

And British scientists to find new evidence to prove the preventive benefits of olive oil in the treatment of bowel cancer victim who goes about 20 thousand people a year in Britain alone.

Researchers and doctors in the Oxford English University found that olive oil reacts in the stomach with gastric acid and prevents infection intestine and rectum cancer, and should be noted that bowel cancer is the most common cancer in the UK after lung cancer, but treat possible if caught early.
The study examined the incidence of disease, bowel cancer in twenty-eight countries in the world, mostly in Europe, in addition to the United States, Brazil, Colombia, Canada and China. The researchers found that dietary factors play an important role in a person, and that people who eat large amounts of meat and fish more susceptible to the disease than people who eat vegetables and grains .uojd scientists also risk of developing bowel cancer decreases with eating rich meals with olive oil.

Scientists attribute to the fact that diets that contain large amounts of meat, can increase the secretion of bile acid or Daoksysacliq acid, which in turn reduces the effectiveness of the particular enzyme is believed to play an important role in the renewal of the lining tissue of the gut cells. Scientists believe that the decline in private enzyme, called diamine Ooxidas, may be caused by the growing cancer cells in the intestine.

Here, the scientists found the important role played by the olive oil in reducing harmful acidic material resulting from eating large amounts of meat and increase the secretion of the enzyme that prevents the proliferation of normal cells and non-cancerous.

He said one of the researchers said the new study confirms that the countries that consume the large amounts of olive oil has a bowel cancer cases and straight, relatively less what he thought, taking into account other aspects of the dietary habits of those countries.

A spokeswoman for the British Nutrition Foundation said that in the past, the benefits of olive oil are limited to heart disease, but since the prevalence of benefits in the fight against other diseases, people become increasingly aware of its importance has increased its use in food.

Olive oil protects against breast cancer:

A study conducted in Japan have shown that women who eat olive oil more than once a day, Iklln the risk of developing breast cancer by 25% Compared with women who do not Atnolnh regularly women, and in this regard, said Dr. Dimitrios professor of public health at the Faculty of Har-Fard, which shares out the study the studies have indicated that consumption of olive oil does not help to aggravate the injury tumors breast, which activated by chemicals, as do some other type of fat and proved another study conducted on five thousand people that there is a link between olive oil and lower blood cholesterol and pressure and sugar as well as its effectiveness in the treatment of arthritis and chronic constipation and the effects of aging and reduces the risk of heart disease and hardening of the arteries, as also proven that it helps bones mining.

The researchers say that an essential component of olive oil during the period of growth, then after reaching adulthood to avoid calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis in old age, as proved it protects against gallstones, because it activates the necessary flow of bile and increases the proportion of cholesterol (HDL ), ie, the good cholesterol necessary for the continuation of the function of the gallbladder.

Olive oil protects against heart disease:

For some types of fat great importance to the body and have many benefits. It's the fat that defines essential fatty acids Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs), and the exact opposite of animal fat and fat milk products, the essential fatty acids may be necessary to reduce the risk of certain medical conditions such as heart disease and stroke .oihtl olive oil tidy task within this group Group of fat peoples of the Mediterranean basin using a lot of it, and this may be the reason often is that the people of these countries, such as the residents of southern Italy and Greece do not suffer from a significant increase in heart disease and hardening of the arteries.


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