+212673160973 argman13@gmail.com

Friday, November 21, 2014


4:59 PM

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- First: Internal use:
(1) cases of high fever and chronic diarrhea and amoebic dysentery and weakness considering:
- Uses pomegranate juice at the rate of two cups per day.

(2) to expel intestinal worms, especially tapeworms and treatment of hemorrhoids:
- Drenched pomegranate peel is used at a rate of half a cup every half hour, and also advised in some cases using a drink laxative with Brew, currently experts agree that the pomegranate pills stimulate nerves and eliminate cases of fatigue, and drops them mixed with honey placed in the nose medicine for many of the troubles, and that pomegranate juice mixed with sugar and water handles cases of constipation, and attendance to eat pomegranate purifies the blood and resist indigestion.

- The perfect way to prepare the drink pomegranate: bode fresh pomegranate peel and add to the water, and soak for 6 hours, and then placed on the backburner to become a center combination, then lifted from the fire to cool and then be ready for use.

- Secondly, the external use:
(1) for the treatment of ulcers and periodontal infections:
- Uses boiled pomegranate blossoms Kgergerh and rinse three times daily.

(2) for the treatment of colds and runny nose:
- Dripping drenched pomegranates in the nose at a rate of three points three times daily.

(3) to increase the installation of hair color:
- Add boiled pomegranate peel to henna for the purpose of installing color.


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