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Monday, December 1, 2014

bunionette surgery=how it's done!!!

2:38 PM

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bunionette surgery=how it's done!!! 

Bunionette Surgery 
bunionette surgery:A bunionette is similar to a bunion, but on the outside of the foot (below). It is sometimes referred to as a "tailor's bunion" due to the fact that tailors once sat cross legged all day with the outside edge of their feet rubbing on the ground. This produced a pressure area and callus at the base of the fifth toe.It has a bunionette surgery. 
Today a bunionette is most likely caused by an abnormal prominence over the fifth metatarsal and need bunionette surgery , head rubbing on shoes that are too narrow. Some folks have a widening of the foot (below) as they grow older, until the foot "splays". bunionette surgery This can cause a bunion on one side of the foot and a bunionette on the other if they continue to wear shoes that are too narrow. The constant pressure produces a callus and a thickening of the bursa over the prominence, leading to a painful knob on the outside of the foot. 
The symptoms of a bunionette include pain and difficulty must do bunionette surgery buying shoes that will accommodate the deformity. The swelling in the area causes a visible bump that some people find unsightly.  
The diagnosis of a bunionette is usually obvious on physical examination. Bunionette surgery X-rays (below) may help to see if there is a splaying of the foot, and will help decide what needs to be done if surgery is necessary later. 
Medical Treatment 
Treatment initially is directed at obtaining proper shoes that will accommodate the width of the foot. Bunionette surgery Pads over the area of the bunionette may help relieve some of the pressure and reduce pain.  
Bunionette surgery If all else fails surgery may be recommended to reduce the deformity. Surgery usually involves either removing (below) the prominence of bone underneath the bunion to relieve pressure - or to realign the fifth metatarsal if there is splaying of the foot. 
To remove the prominence a small incision is made over the bump. The bump is then removed (below) and smoothed to reduce the pressure from the shoe. If your doctor decides that the angle of the metatarsal is too great, the bone may be cut and pinned in a position to decrease the splaying of the foot. 
After bunionette surgery, you will usually be fitted with a post-op shoe. This shoe has a stiff, wooden sole that protects the toes by keeping the foot from bending. Any pins are usually removed after the bone begins to mend (usually three or four weeks). 
Of course no two people are the same. We would be happy to discuss your unique foot condition. You can always reach us: 
For bunionette surgery : 
1. Call and talk to a Doctor 
2. Send your concerns and questions to us via E-mail 
3. Visit and participate in our chat room 
4. Arrange for a free in-office consultation.


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